Lịch sử đơn vị

Được xây dựng và phát triển từ năm 2015 và hoàn thành năm 2020 với sứ mênh gắn nghiên cứu, … read more

Call for Abstracts Water Security and Climate Change Conference 2021 Hanoi, Vietnam March 1-3, 2021 We are pleased to invite … read more

Call for Sessions / WSCC 2021 in Hanoi, Vietnam

WSCC_Call for Sessions Water Security and Climate Change Conference 2021 Hanoi, Vietnam March 1-3, 2021 We are pleased to announce … read more

Save the date WSCC // 1-3 Mar 2021 in Hanoi, Vietnam

01.03.-03.03.20, Hanoi: Water Security and Climate Change Conference The availability of water affects many of mankind’s social and economic actions … read more

Water Security Conference

29.11.-01.12.16, Bangkok: Water Security Conference The Asian region has been facing many water security problems due to multiple drivers. Key … read more

Science-Policy Workshop on Drought Management

23-25.06.16, Ninh Tuan Province: Science-Policy Workshop on Drought Management In recent years, many regions in South East Asia have been … read more

River basin and ecosystem management

24.-26.08.15, Hanoi: River basin and ecosystem management in the context of climate change in South East Asia  

Postgraduate training course on Monitoring, Information and Modelling

14.-17.10.14, Da Nang: Postgraduate training course on Monitoring, Information and Modelling for River Basin Management

Stakeholder Workshop on Dry Season and Flood Season Risk Management

12.6.14, Da Nang: Workshop for stakeholder on dry season and flood season risk management

Training course on “Irrigation management on River Basin Level”

31.3.-1.4.14, Hanoi: Training workshop on Drought Impacts – Irrigation management on River Basin Level