Science-Policy Workshop on Drought Management
23-25.06.16, Ninh Tuan Province: Science-Policy Workshop on Drought Management
In recent years, many regions in South East Asia have been strongly affected by drought disasters which are culminating during the strong El Nino year 2015/2016. The Southern Central Region in Vietnam and the Mekong River Delta have been particularly affected suffering from water shortages for domestic and agricultural water supply leading to severe socioeconomic impacts. However, such water shortages are not only caused by dry meteorological conditions but can also be blamed on over-allocation of water resources due to extremely fast socioeconomic development.
To address the management of meteorological and hydrological droughts as well as water allocation, we have invited involved institutions from regional and National level as well as ODA institutions to discuss drought monitoring options and related research for the Southern Central Region and South East Asia. Furthermore, funding options and research demand were explored based on a well moderated science policy dialogue. In this context, a German-Vietnamese project has been prepared and was presented to the German Ministry of Science by the end of June.
The meeting took place in Ninh Tuan Province from 23-25th of June 2016, jointly organized by the Vietnam Academy for Water Resources (VAWR), CNRD and ITT. More information